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Polka Dot Pointers: How To Photograph Babies

BA tips Polka Dot Pointers: How To Photograph Babies

Here are a few simple ideas to make it easy to capture the perfect photo for your newborn’s birth announcement.

  1. Make sure your baby has a full tummy and has had enough beauty sleep so they aren’t fussy. Or, photograph baby during a nap for an equally adorable pose.
  2. Plan to spend at least 30 minutes taking photos, and take as many as your camera card will hold. It’s not uncommon to take 100 or more shots to decide from once you upload them later. Set your camera the continuous shooting mode so you can increase your likelihood of taking the perfect shot.
  3. Keep in mind what’s in the background. Choose a location free from distractions such toys. Most people have great results with their baby laying on a plain blanket, wearing either solid colors or just a diaper.
  4. Natural light will complement your baby more than harsh, indoor lighting. Avoid really bright sunlight though, which can may cause shadows and make baby squint their eyes. To avoid red eyes, turn off the flash.
  5. Fill the frame with their face. Get down on their level and zoom in so that they are the photo’s focal point, even if that means you’re laying on the floor too!