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How to Get Rid of Head Lice

With school almost in full-swing across the states, and another year of education ahead of you for your kids, we decided to tackle a topic which hits quite close to home for most. Head Lice. Now, before you scrunch up your nose and assume that you’re not prone to getting these itchy insects, think again. Even if you don’t have children attending school, these wingless parasites can cling to your scalp without any intention of ever leaving. In fact, head lice is a growing epidemic here in Arlington, TX, where Polka Dot Invitations is based, and the city has had to spend quite a bit of money at The Royal Treatment Center to get rid of head lice properly. They do an excellent job, but it can be a bit pricey for most. With that said, we want to help and offer up a step-by-step guide for getting rid of the latest strain of head lice using the Schooltime Shampoo. In fact, here at Polka Dot Invitations we recently had a bout of the louse, and decided in true Polka Dot fashion, to throw a Lice Removal Party!! But more on that later…

Getting rid of lice is not glamorous by any means, but it could just end up saving you hundreds of dollars and tons of time this upcoming school year. Check it out.

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Step 1: Recognize the Symptoms

So you have an itchy scalp, eh? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Diagnosing the problem is the very first step. You want to make sure that you actually have lice, rather than just itchy skin or some serious sunburned scalp. So what do you look for? If there is a lice infestation, you’ll notice tiny, brown insects, about the size of sesame seeds, scurrying about or little stagnant nits stuck to individual hairs. Use a fine-toothed comb and a bright light and you’ll know for sure if you’re doused with louse.


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So pretty, right?


Step 2: Take Action!

Purchasing a lice removal shampoo is an important part of the process, but choosing the right one can be tricky. We suggest a tried-and-tested brand called Schooltime Shampoo. It’s a 100% All-in-One Pesticide Free shampoo, which is also clinically tested, hypoallergenic & safe for hair, skin and eyes. If you have kids, having one of these bottles handy under the sink can never lead you astray. It’s better to be safe than….itchy and infested.


Step 3: Massage Shampoo into DRY Hair & Scalp

Many people assume that you should wet the hair first before applying. This is not so! In fact, the shampoo works predominantly when the hair is dry, so that it too, can cling to the individual strands and work it’s way through. Apply and massage generously! There is no need to skimp on this part.


Step 4: Leave for 15 Minutes Then Rinse With Water

Don’t rush. Don’t get impatient. Leave the shampoo in for a good, solid fifteen minutes. Oftentimes parents get a bit restless and rinse the hair sooner. Try not to do this. Set a timer and stick to it! You’ll want to give the shampoo enough time to kill those little buggers, and realistically you don’t want to have to do everything again, right?

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Step 5: Comb Hair Thoroughly With a Nit Comb

Now, you may think that shampoo did what it had to and you’re in the clear. Not quite. You’ll still need to go through the hair with a fine-toothed comb once more, in order to pick out the lice bodies and the remaining eggs so that you can officially rid yourself of these ectoparasites. Going through the motions is enough once, you really don’t want to have to start at Step 1 again, right? Besides, these little bugs do not deserve any more of your precious blood. No, sir.


Remember when I said long ago that Polka Dot Invitations had their very own lice removal party? Well, it’s true. We ended up using our handy-dandy How to Get Rid of Lice Guide in order to make sure we’re all free and clear of the bugs. Since we mentioned that Arlington, Texas has a pretty huge lice epidemic going on, we wanted to make sure that everyone was safe. It’s better to catch lice in the beginning, because once one person is infected, it multiples faster than you can say, “hey, my head feels a little itc–“. Boom, eight more people infected.

After each of us were treated with the Schooltime Shampoo, we created what we fondly dubbed a “nitting circle”. No, we weren’t crocheting I LOVE Polka Dot Invitations t-shirts….at least not this time. Instead, we combed through one another’s hair in order to be as thorough and generous as possible.


Throwing your own Lice Removal Party doesn’t sound as much fun as most of the other parties we have invitations for, but it really can be a lighthearted, enjoyable way to handle a difficult, annoying situation.

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